Sommarstugan! :)

Then it finally soon Friday! And now it's just a few small days left until I go to Spain! :D
Det var ett tag sen men nu kommer det bilder/It's been a while, but now it comes photos

Nu vet jag att det här är den riktiga Live While We're Young!/Now I know that this is the real Live While We're Young!
If you don't understand, please tell me! xx
One direction in trouble (Part 3)
Bella asked what it was that played when Julia replied that she will soon.
Julia walked up and asked the guys if it was okay that her friend Bella got to meet them if she told anyone they were there.
The guys thought it was okay, Julia ran down to Bella again and said she would meet some guys if she promised not to tell anyone.
Bella promised and walked curiously up after Julia.
When they came up the stairs Emma stood there, Bella asked why Emma was there. Julia said that Emma was here when the amazing happened. <when Bella was just more curious.
Suddenly it jumped out of some of the fully raised One Peace and said
“ Hello We Are One Direction”. Bella was totaly crazy and ran around and did not know where she was going.
When Harry walked up and hugged Bella.
Bella was so happy that she fainted, then Emma and Julia had to explain that there was no danger and that she would soon wake up and be calmer.
Liam went to fetch a bucket of cold water and poured it over Bella.
She woke up and Harry was so relieved and jumped up an kissed her cheek.
Then she fainted again. Then Zayn on an idea, he asked if Bella was easily frightened, and Emma said she was not.
When did Liam go get another bucket of cold water and pour it over Bella.
When Bella awoke for the second time was just Emma and Julia beside her.
Thej asked why she had fainted when she said she had received a kiss from Harry Styles on the cheek.
Emma and Julia pretended not to belive her when Bella whould prove to them that it was true, she jumped up and flung open the wardrobe door. But inside, there were only clothes.
When asked Emma and Julia if they whould go in and play Just dance.
After a bit of dancing guys came up and said hello.
Bella starded screaming again as the guys walked over and gave her a group hug, and Julia asked her not to faint again and she did not.
They continued the evening with a supper, Emma had ordered pizza.
Louis got a pizza with carrots and Harry got one with Swedish tomatoes.
When they had finished eating they went up again. When Bella said that she wanted to play Donkey Kong with Zayn.
Ååh vad jag längtar!/ Oh how I crave!
In two weeks exactly today so I'm going to Spain!
God I didn't think could crave this much .. but it can be!
The good thing is that I will finally be more brown then Julia when I get home, if I don't sunbathe too much so I will be red .. hehe!
Ny Design/ New Design
Do not really know, should probably try some different. We are welling see what happens.
Feel free to Comment about what you think about them. :)
What do you do on such a rainy day?
Have a nice day! :) xx
Jag vet att det var igå grattis Baby Lux/ I know it was yesterday..but happy birthday Baby Lux!

Till det förra inlägget/ To the last post
Oh how I wish!

Haha that's true!






They won 3 prices!! I'm so proud!

Haha so cute and funny!

I love this weather!<3
Sweet! xx